Contributor Guidelines
Find Subscription Boxes strives to provide high quality, valuable, and unique subscription box news, reviews, and other information for the best subscription boxes available. To maintain these standards, we ask FSB contributors to adhere to the following guidelines:
1. All content must be at least 300 words and may contain relevant images, videos, and outbound links that improve the overall experience of our community. All Lifestyle Magazine Article submissions must have at least 400 words. Irrelevant hyperlinks will be removed and submissions containing keyword stuffing will be rejected. See the below Linking Guidelines for additional information about links in your articles.
2. Author bios for individual contributors must be placed in the user profile and may not be included within the text of the post itself.
3. All subscription boxes mentioned must be listed in the Find Subscription Boxes directory. Do not link to or mention subscription boxes that are not currently listed.
4. Please submit all articles and suggested titles in a ready-to-publish state when you submit them for final review. We review each post and may adjust formatting as needed, however posts requiring heavy editing will be rejected.
5. All articles submitted to Find Subscription Boxes must be original and unique. Contributors are responsible for ensuring the originality and accuracy of their submissions. Any contributors found guilty of plagiarism will be banned from the community with all published content removed.
6. Any article accepted, paid for, and published on Find Subscription Boxes becomes the sole property of Find Subscription Boxes and may not be re-published on your website or a 3rd party site without permission.
7. Content should match the tone of the site and be relevant to our site and audience.
8. Quotes should serve a purpose within the post and not be used simply to get a link back to a company page. We will ask for thin quotes and their accompanying links to be removed.
9. Please allow one week for content to be reviewed and published. All article publication & editing is done at the discretion of Find Subscription Boxes.
Linking Guidelines:
1. No more than 2 links should point to any domain. Acceptable links are restricted to:
- Relevant articles and blog posts
- Research or Data
- Resources that will genuinely benefit the reader and make sense in the context of the post
Affiliate links are prohibited. Any links to your social media profile, website, or blog should be placed in your author bio.
2. If we believe that you are contributing content for the sole purpose of building links for yourself or others, we will ask those links to be removed or may reject the article.
3. Do not use repeat links or repeat keywords/anchor text.
4. No keyword-rich linking.
5. We reserve the right to remove or nofollow any link at our discretion.
Please note: Submitting a post does not guarantee that the post will be published. Should your post not be published, we will provide editing notes with opportunities to correct and resubmit.
Box Reviews:
1. Find Subscription Boxes only posts one review for each subscription box per month. At the time of acceptance into the Community, contributors will be assigned subscription boxes to review, based on your selections on the application, and on a first-come, first-choose basis.
2. If a contributor fails to submit a review for one of their assigned boxes for 2 months in a row, they will be removed as the reviewer for that box and a new contributor will be selected to review that box.
3. Contributors are responsible for subscribing to, paying for, and receiving all boxes they are reviewing. Find Subscription Boxes Box Reviewers will receive complimentary boxes to facility their review.
4. Box reviews must have at least 3 clear, high quality images. At a minimum, images should show:
- A picture of the box (opened/unopened or both)
- Pictures of the items in the box
- A picture of ALL items in the box
5. Box reviews should provide a brief description about the box being reviewed and must list or mention each of the products in that month’s box.
6. All boxes listed in the directory are valued partners. Please keep all reviews honest and respectful of our advertisers.
For sample box reviews, view the currently approved Subscription Box Reviews.
Q: How often am I expected to submit new articles?
A: We are flexible with the frequency of your postings. There is no limit to the number of articles you would like to submit. Contributors who produce a high amount of approved quality content may receive higher article payments.
Q: Can I post my articles on my own site or other sites?
A: No. All content published on Find Subscription Boxes must be unique, original and becomes the sole property of Find Subscription Boxes once payment is made. You are welcome to publish/post any submitted content that is NOT accepted for publication on Find Subscription Boxes.
Q: Can I post a teaser or a link to my article on my own site?
A: Yes! We encourage you to post a link to your Expert content on your own website or blog as soon as it is live. Please limit the teaser to a paragraph introduction and a link.
Guidelines are subject to change at any time. Contributors are responsible for making themselves aware of changes and adhering to them.
Disclaimer: Your application to become a contributor constitutes an agreement to these posting guidelines.